Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Imperialism Homework - Due Friday

American Imperialism

Scroll down for homework assignment.

But first, Man is shot to death by South Korean forces as he tries to swim to North Korea. The big question is, Unless you are Dennis Rodman, why would you want to swim to the North?

Drowning or not, do NOT swim to Kim Jong Un. You'll be shot by the South.
I have shared a file folder with you entitled, "Imperialism Readings." It contains the following files:

You are to make a copy of "Imperialism - LAST," retitle it with your last name and share it with me. And then, answer the first ten questions from the reading, "Part 1- The Origins of Global Power." You have also been given a paper copy of this reading.

Your answers are due by 3:10 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20.

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