Friday, September 27, 2013

Essay Outline Homework

Be Like "Success Kid": Prepare for your Essay Test Next Thursday!

I Rule! A 7/7 Once Again!
The following is due at the beginning of class Next TUESDAY, October 1

Based on the handout I gave you in class on Friday, I want you to complete an outline based on the essay prompt. If you lost the document or were not here Friday, there is a copy of it in your shared reading folder. It is entitled, "Essay Test Modeling Exercise.pdf"

In order to provide significant details to support each main point, please read "Part 2 - The Spanish American War" (Page 12 to the first paragraph on page 17) and re-review your answer to the 18-2 worksheet that you did for homework this week. 

Your outlines should be in short sentences and can be typed or handwritten. I want to see it by Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Spanish-American War Homework

U.S. Imperialism
The Spanish-American War

A Catalan [Spain] satirical drawing published in La Campana de Gràcia (1896), criticizing U.S. behavior regarding Cuba. Text below reads: "Keep the island so it won't get lost."

Due tomorrow at the beginning of class: Please complete the reading, "The Spanish-American War" and the handout that came with it. It is a two-sided worksheet. There is a copy of both in the shared Imperialism file folder.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Quiz Tuesday on Imperialism Causes

There will be a Double Quiz on Tuesday. (There will NOT be an essay test until Thu. Oct. 3)  Make sure you know the following for tomorrow:

  • Know the five major causes of Imperialism

  • Know how and why was Hawaii obtained by the United States

  • There will be at least two O and P documents. That is two Os and two Ps. Make sure you know what to look for to determine the Origin of a document.

  • Make sure you know the answer to question # 9 on last week’s homework assignment: 9. Why did the United States become involved in several Latin American nations in the nineteenth century? Summarize why the United States became involved in Samoa, Hawaii, and other Latin American nations.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Finish Homework by 3:10 p. Friday!

U.S. Imperialism
The Queen wasn't happy to lose her island.

Be sure to complete the homework by 3:10 p.m. Friday. Here is the original post.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Imperialism Homework - Due Friday

American Imperialism

Scroll down for homework assignment.

But first, Man is shot to death by South Korean forces as he tries to swim to North Korea. The big question is, Unless you are Dennis Rodman, why would you want to swim to the North?

Drowning or not, do NOT swim to Kim Jong Un. You'll be shot by the South.
I have shared a file folder with you entitled, "Imperialism Readings." It contains the following files:

You are to make a copy of "Imperialism - LAST," retitle it with your last name and share it with me. And then, answer the first ten questions from the reading, "Part 1- The Origins of Global Power." You have also been given a paper copy of this reading.

Your answers are due by 3:10 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Campaign for Civil Rights Homework

Campaign for Civil Rights

I have shared a document with you entitled, "Campaign for Civil Rights - LAST." You should have already made a copy of it and shared it back with me, changing "LAST" to your last name.

There is a chart and six questions on this document. You are to complete the document by 8:20 a.m. Monday, September 9. Just complete the document. There is no need to notify me when you are done.

The document is based on the shared reading, "Civil Rights Movement," which I also shared with you on Thursday. Look in your Google Document account.